Strategies for a receding state.

Oct 2018

What portion of your income is dependent on government bodies, and what's the outlook for those activities over the next few years?

As the effects of austerity continue, many charities are under increasing financial pressure: contract values are reducing, competition increasing, grants diminishing and the state withdrawing, from many of the areas and initiatives in which charities have invested their time, money and futures. The more reliant a charity is on income, whether direct or indirect, traded or grant funded, from central or local government, the greater the challenge. The cutback cycles and annual redundancies in some of the third sector's most iconic organisations show no signs of abating, because far too often, they are tactical reactions to a strategic issue, one which requires a much deeper reassessment of the charity's model, role and participation than these annual budget-balancing exercises allow.

To help you understand and think through the big, strategic alternatives for your charity, I am bringing together a group of the UK’s best and brightest charity CEOs for breakfast on the 15th of November 2018, for an in-depth seminar and discussion, on how to fundamentally rethink the shape and focus of your organisation, to increase your reach, impact and influence, despite the reduction in government money.

Venue and guest speakers will be confirmed within the next few weeks. The seminar will be in London, and will begin at 8:30am to finish at 10am. Breakfast will be available in the room from 8am to give time to meet and network with your peers.

You will walk away from this provocative and highly interactive session with:

  • A clearer and more pragmatic understanding of your future income scenarios
  • A new appreciation of the different strategies you could deploy to reorientate your organisation
  • A suite of ideas and strategic alternatives you can take away to provoke the right discussions with your team and trustees

Places are strictly limited, so please e-mail me early to reserve your seat. To ensure the content is highly relevant to every attendee, this invitation is for CEOs of mid-sized and large charities only. If you would like an invitation for a colleague, please contact me in advance to ensure we still have space.

Speaking & Events.